Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Just to let you all know that I haven 't quit blogging, I have just been terribly busy. I just returned from a trip to Israel and absolutely loved it. It is definately one trip I will never forget. There was so many things that touched my heart that I can't begin to start to tell. Definately life changing!

We returned from our trip on Wednesday before Easter, so I hit the floor running. I plunged into getting ready for the Easter program "When God Ran", and proved to be a great success. There was approximately 10 saved that morning. Wow! What a touching service!

Since then we have been in revival with Lynn Wheeler and it has been awesome.

On Friday, we are headed to the mountains for the Williams Family Camp Out. We look forward to this every year. We always have a blast and also get to catch up on what the family is doing.

So, as you can tell, my life is "never a dull moment". I look forward to keeping up with all of you and hearing what is going on in your life.

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